Field Research Travel Grantees
CLAS supports Stanford graduate field research in Latin America.
CLAS Field Research Grant
Elias Aceves
Research: CODECA and the Popular and Plurinational Constituent Assembly Process
Location: Guatemala
Isa Calero Forero
Research: The Anti-Gender Movement: Impact of the “Gender Ideology” Narratives in the Colombian Peace Accord Plebiscite
Location: Colombia
María de las Mercedes Martínez Milantchi
Research: Latin American Summer School on Social Issues
Location: Chile
Ruben Diaz Vasquez
Research: Between Tenochtitlan and CalifAztlan: Making Mexicanidad and the Poetics of Indigeneity, Performance, and Culture
Location: Mexico
Cydni Gordon
Research: Em Nome de deus (ou Exu): The Influence of Religiosity and Negritude on Mental Health of Afro-Brazilians in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
Location: brazil
Tania Flores
Research: “A Poet in Montevideo and the Black Fígaro: Diasporic Consciousness, Transatlantic Race-Making, and the Afro-Uruguayan Press”
Location: Argentina and Uruguay
Nicolás Forero-Villarreal
Research: The Global Governance of human rights in Mexico: Understanding the intersection between architecture, design and law through the detention of unaccompanied child migrants within migration centers
Location: Mexico
Zaith Lopez
Research: Latin American Summer School on Social Issues
Location: Chile
Victor Manuel Marquez Padrenan
Research: Biblical Landscapes. Labor and Indigeneity in Wallmapu, Chile
Location: Chile
eli melgar
Research: Plants in Mesoamérica, 1600-1800
Location: Mexico and Guatemala
Davíd Morales
Research: “Educator Encounters that Transcend Colonial-Imperial Borders, Activist Pedagogies that Transcend Classroom Walls."
Location: Mexico
Esteban Salmón Perrilliat
Research: Latin American Summer School on Social Issues
Location: Chile
Sergio Sanchez
Research: Replicability of the Favorable Conditions of Lithium Extraction in the Atacama Region
Location: Argentina and Chile
Ana Elena Smith
Research: Adjusting to Life in the United States: A Collage-Based Exploration of Sequoia High School's
Location: Redwood City, CA
Tinker Graduate Field Research Grant
Elias Aceves
Research: Indigenous Land Titling in the Chapare Region of Bolivia
Location: Bolivia
Lola Amaya
Research: Erasure in the Margins: State Sanctioned Violence and Collective Amnesia in El Salvador
Location: El Salvador
Adrian Blattner
Research: Breaking the Bubble - The Determinants and Effects of Contact
Location: Brazil
Natalie Chaudhuri
Research: The Violent Foundations of Incumbency: Central American Presidents and Changing Rates of Crime
Location: Guatemala and El Salvador
Cydni Gordon
Research: Por Deus: A case study of, understanding the Saude Mental of Afro-Brazilians in Salvador, Bahia
Location: Brazil
Tomás Guarna
Research: Transnational Startup Cultures in Mexico City
Location: Mexico
Karen Hosino
Research: How do K-12 American/International Schools in São Paulo, Brazil, support the cultural identity formation of Third Culture Kids (TCKs)?
Location: Brazil
Vlasta Rasocha
Research: Contact at Work: Exposure to Political Opinions in the Brazilian Labor Market
Location: Brazil
Christian Robles-Baez
Research: Assessing the scope and feasibility of a database on the commercial exchange between Brazil and the United States
Location: Brazil
Emily Russell
Research: LABOR FOR EMPIRE: the status of immigrant labor in modern Cuba
Location: Cuba
Miryea Sturdivant
Location: Colombia
CLAS Field Research Grant
Christian Robles-Baez
Location: Brazil
Annie Obernoster
Research: Searching for roots. The role of community agroecology farms for Latinx communities
in San José, California
Location: San José, California
Katja Schwaller
Research: Unequal landscapes of digital capitalism – Investigating the relationality between neighborhoods in Mexico City and the Bay Area in times of remote working policies of Silicon Valley tech companies
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Michelle Ha
Research: Early Twentieth Century Korean Indentureship on Yucatecan Haciendas
Location: Mérida, Yucatán
Cristian Soler
Research: Curating Dehumanization in the Age of Hyper-globalization:
Approach to Treating with World Latinx Artistic Practices
Minah Choi
Research: “Mapping socio-environmental mobilizations in Argentina’s Paraná Delta”
Location: Argentina
Sergio Sanchez Lopez
Research: Social and Ecological Values of Colombian Peatlands
Location: Colombia
Jameelah Morris
Research: “Contesting Colombia’s Paradise: Youth, Violence, and the Struggle for Black Life Across Generations”
Location: Colombia
Tinker Graduate Field Research Grant
Minah Choi
Research: Climate Change Resilience in Argentina: Community and State Perspectives on Wetland Conservation and the Ley de Humedales
Location: Argentina
Nina Maria de Meira Borba
Research: Enslaved Lives in the Far West of Brazil: Building Family and Community
Location: Brazil
Olavo Passos de Souza
Research: Liberal Networks and the Development of Brazilian National Identity
Location: Brazil
Rita Kamani-Rendeo
Research: Pedagogies of Border Thinking Across Hemispheric Contexts: Exploring the Intersections of Im/migration and Education in Colombia
Location: Colombia
Daniel Tovar Medina
Research: Political implications of the Temporary Protection Status for Venezuelan migrants in Colombia: An Assessment of Rhetoric and Social Shift Through the Lens of Immigration Policy
Location: Colombia
Melissa de Franco
Research: Health Policy Modeling of Breast Cancer in Mexico
Location: Mexico
Matthew Gilbert
Research: Hearing the Human: Sound, Rational Thought & Humanities Research
Location: Mexico
Michelle Ha
Research: Sisal/Henequén: A Study of Yucatecan Agave Taxonomy and Fiber Production
Location: Mexico
Victor Manuel Márquez Padreñan
Research: Pastoral Work and State-building Processes in Chiapas, Mexico, and Temuco, Chile
Location: Mexico and Chile
CLAS Field Research Grant
Jaime Landinez Aceros
Research: The Uses of Biodiversity: Technoscience and Post-Conflict Aspirations in Colombia
Location: Colombia
Esteban Salmón Perrilliat
Research: The administration of impunity: An ethnography of criminal prosecution in Mexico City
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Luísa Genes
Research: The role of dispersal and recruitment limitation in the recovery of tropical secondary forests
Location: Costa Rica
María de la Luz Daniel
Research: Consumers' literacy and decision-making: The case of the private health insurance market in Chile
Laura Menendez Gorina
Research: “From Houses to Ruins: Narratives of Homes in Modern Barcelona and Havana”
Location: Havana, Cuba
Tinker Graduate Field Research Grant
Xavi Luis Burgos
Research: Sacred Epistemologies in the Caribbean: The Pedagogical Possibilities of Afro-diasporic Religions
Location: Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti
Davíd Morales
Research: Towards a Theory of Intercambio: Social Justice Teaching and Movement-building Across Empire
Location: Mexico
María Gloria Robalino
Research: Heightened Worlds: Vertiginous Imaginaries in the Latin American Pacific
Location: Mexico
Tinker Graduate Field Research Grant
Raymundo López
Research: Aire, Tierra y Fuego: Assessing Grassroots Mobilization and Environmental Movements in Puerto Rico
Location: Remote
Alan Chávez-Arroyo
Research: Conflict and Queerness –The Effect of Armed Conflict and Policy on the LGBT
Location: Bogotá, Colombia
Eda Benites
Research: Forensic Anthropology Training in Waukesha County Medical
Location: Wisconsin, U.S.A
Jessica Cordiglia
Research: QuechuaStudies/LanguageRevitalization
Location: Lima, Peru
Tyler McFadden
Research: Green deserts or conservation opportunities: pollinator conservation and sustainable management in Chilean timber plantations
Location: Valdivia, Chile
Rolando Garcia Miron
Research: Judicial Independence and the Challenges from Charismatic Populism: A Case Study of the Mexican Supreme Court
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Suzanne Ou
Research: How does soil microbial community from different land use histories affect regeneration of tropical forests?
Location: San Jose, Costa Rica
Elizabeth Prosser
Research: Identity development and integration in Chinese-Peruvians and Japanese-Peruvians
Location: Lima, Peru
Pablo Seward Howard
Research: Migrant Becomings:Communal Horizons and the Double Bind of Vulnerability in Chile Latino
Location: Santiago, Chile; Antofagasta, Chile
CLAS Field Research Grant
Jaime Landinez Aceros
Research: Latin American Summer School on Social Issues (LASI) Chile 2019
Location: Santiago, Chile
Claire Maass
Research: The Lives and Living Conditions of Enslaved Africans and Afro-descendants in the Central Coast of Peru During the Late Colonial Period
Location: Peru
Tyler McFadden
Research: Green deserts or conservation opportunities: pollinator conservation and sustainable management in Chilean timber plantations
Location: Valdivia, Chile
Valentina Ramai
Research: Latin American Summer School on Social Issues (LASI) Chile 2019
Location: Santiago, Chile
Grace Eliana Alexandrino Ocana
Research: Rights to a Heritage City: Working-Class Citizens, Urban Heritage and Conservation in Lima, Peru
Location: Lima, Peru
Gabriela Oppitz
Research: Em terras trópico-americanas: For an Archaeology of the Nonidentity in the Lowlands of South America
Location: Brazil
Weronika Hanna Tomczyk
Research: Pre-dissertation Fieldwork and Preparations in Peru: Andean Zooarchaeology
Location: Peru
Edgar Franco Vivanco
Research: Strategies of Indigenous Resistance and Accommodation in Colonial Yucatan
Location: Mexico
Tinker Graduate Field Research Grant
Jaime Landinez Aceros
Research: Preliminary fieldwork for the Ph.D. Research Proposal “Ecologies of War in Colombia. Landscapes of Dispossession, Toxicity and Care”
Location: Colombia
Arjuna Dibley
Research: Creating a Climate for Change? Carbon Pricing and Long-Term Policy Reform in Mexico
Location: Mexico
Daniel Hernandez
Research: Ethnographic Fictions: From Naturalism to Transnaturalism in Cuban Literary Ethnography
Location: Cuba
Zait Lopez
Research: Borderland Addiction: Substance Abuse among Deportees in Tijuana, Mexico
Location: Tijuana, Mexico
Esteban Salmón Perrilliat
Research: Poverty and Injustice in Mexico City’s Urban Margins
Location: Mexico
Valentina Ramia
Research: The Measurement of Fear in Asylum Law: An Ethnography of Legal Evidence of Well-Founded Fear of Persecution in Ecuador
Location: Ecuador
Gemma Elizabeth Smith
Research: Understanding Multi-Level Participatory Governance in International Watersheds
Location: Mexico
Romina Wainberg
Research: Darkest Stones: The Impact of Long-Term Mining in Southeastern Brazilian Culture
Location: Brazil
Elix Colón
Research: From Socialism to Sociality: Growing Old in Contemporary Havana
Location: Cuba
Izabel Costa da Fonseca
Research: Labor Market Returns to Higher Education in Brazil
Location: Brazil
Rachel Engstrand
Research: Investigating the Effects of Gold Mining on Soil Health and the Potential for Ecosystem Recovery
Location: Peru
Tyler McFadden
Research: Effects of Exotic Timber Plantations of Keystone Species Interactions: Consequences for Maintaining Biodiversity in Southern Chile
Location: Chile
Santiago Pardo Rodríguez
Research: Social Legitimacy of Judges in Times of Transition: The Case of the Colombian Tribunal for Peace
Location: Colombia
Anna Toledano
Research: Collecting Independence: The Science and Politics of Natural History Museums in New Spain, 1770-1820
Location: Guatemala
Adela Zhang
Research: Dialogue and Development: Evaluating Institutional Conflict Resolution in Peru
Location: Peru
Elinor Benami
Research: Brazilian Coffee Famers and Drought: Effects of Eco-Certification on Farmer Resilience
Location: Brazil
Marguerite DeLoney
Research: Cartographies of Belonging: Decolonial Explorations into the Making of Place with the Community of Portobelo
Location: Panama
Claire Maass
Research: History of African Diaspora in Peru from an Archeological Perspective
Location: Peru
David McMahon
Research: Soil Nutrients and Sustainability in Brazilian Eucalyptus Forestry
Location: Brazil
Grace Ocana
Research: Contested Metropolis: Lima’s Urban Heritage as the Perpetuation of Historical Structural Violence
Location: Peru
Jeffery Smith
Research: Impacts of Tropical Land Use on Anthropod Biodiversity: Implications for Food Webs and Ecosystems
Location: Costa Rica