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Venezuela Field Research Grant

The Center for Latin American Studies invites proposals for Stanford graduate student-led research in Venezuela.  Through a generous gift from the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Foundation, CLAS will distribute grants of up to $3,500 for approved proposals. Please note that funding will not be provided for non-travel related expenses.


  • Cover sheet must include name, SUNet ID, Student ID Number, email, department, research title, location, dates of travel, and amount requested.
  • CV
  • Brief research proposal narrative (1-2 page max)
  • Complete itemized budget ( i.e. airfare, lodging, local transportation) 

    Budget Template (5.11 KB)
  • Graduate transcript
  • Letter of recommendation from your advisor

Apply Here     Upload Letter of Recommendation Here 


Applications for winter break/quarter are due by 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time) on November 15, 2024.

Applications for spring break/quarter are due by 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time) on February 1, 2025.

Applications for summer quarter are due by 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time) on April 1, 2025.


Upon completion of the research, students are expected to:

  • Provide CLAS with a written report of the research conducted
  • Give a presentation at CLAS, to be arranged with the Student Services Officer, on research findings

Contact us with any questions by email at latinamerica [at] (latinamerica[at]stanford[dot]edu)