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CLAS Working Group Grants

The Center for Latin American Studies invites proposals from Stanford graduate students (along with Stanford faculty mentors) for student-led Working Groups for AY 2023-24.  

Priority will be given to proposals that include topics addressing indigenous peoples' rights, environmental and global health issues, and migration.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, November 1, 2023


The Center for Latin American Studies Working Group Program brings together faculty, visiting scholars, graduate and professional school students, and undergraduates in multidisciplinary scholarly exchange of research-in-progress, culture, and perspectives on current events. Stanford students, in consultation with faculty sponsors, organize the working groups. As semi-autonomous entities, the groups set their own agendas, symposia, exchange of working papers, or collaborative research efforts. The number of themes and membership of the working groups change from year to year. 

The Center for Latin American Studies furnishes each working group with financial and administrative support and helps it to integrate its activities with those sponsored directly by the Center.

Function of Working Groups

One or two graduate students organize the working group with the supervision and support of a faculty member. It is recommended that coordinators seek the collaboration of departments and/or other student groups/organizations that share similar interests and objectives. Together, they plan topics for discussion, invite guest speakers, and provide opportunities for Stanford faculty and graduate students to present work-in-progress. Working groups must meet regularly throughout the year. Many working group meetings, presentations, and conferences are also open to the Stanford community and the public, where appropriate.

Proposal Requirements

All working group proposals must include:      

  • A cover sheet
  • A contact information sheet that lists the faculty and graduate student(s) who will lead the working group. (Core participants must be in residence for the entire academic year.)
  • A statement or letter of support from a Stanford faculty must be submitted online.
    Upload Letter of Support Here
  • A one- or two-page statement of the nature and significance of the problem or issue to which the working group will be devoted, as well as a description of how the proposed working group will address the aims of CLAS. 
  • A list of proposed activities and events for the upcoming year 
  • A proposed budget
  • Full proposals must be signed by the faculty and graduate student(s) who will be leading the working group 
  • Complete proposals must be submitted online by the deadline

    Submit Application Here

Funding for Working Groups*

We invite proposals of up to $3,000. Budget requests may include co-sponsorship from other campus units. The budget may include funds to provide administrative support, but they may not be used to buy out faculty time or provide permanent staff salaries. Funds may be used for*:

  • Technical and organizational assistance (i.e., website design and maintenance, publicity, graphic design, and poster production) 
  • Airfare, travel, and accommodations 
  • Advertising costs 
  • Food 
  • Meeting costs
  • Expenses for invited visitors


Sara Clemente, CLAS Events and Communication Officer, is responsible for the financial administration of the program and will track expenses for each program and provide expense reports. Working Groups are responsible for tracking expenses and working in conjunction with Ms. Clemente to ensure accuracy of expenses. Faculty and graduate student coordinators are responsible for complying with all Stanford and CLAS financial reimbursement and reporting requirements and policies.

Working group coordinators must attend an orientation session, which will take place during the first days of the winter quarter that will fully describe the financial policies that pertain to CLAS and Stanford University.


Working groups must meet the following requirements: 

  • Proposed activities must take place during the winter and spring quarters 2023-24. 
  • End-of-year report that explains what activities were conducted, detailing programmatic issues, if any, and highlighting the results and successes of the working group to be submitted on or before May 30, 2024.
    • A financial report that illustrates with tables and text how anticipated spending compared to actual spending. 
    • 2-3 images from a working group event(s) with a caption. 

Please address any questions about this call for proposals or the Working Group Program to CLAS
clasevents [at] (subject: Working%20Group%20Grant%20Inquiry) (Contact CLAS Here)

Notifications will be sent on or before December 15, 2023.

The Center for Latin American Studies promotes the expression of a diversity of views and opinions to ensure open academic discussion. However, it is within the discretion of the Director to ensure that the Center's activities are in keeping with the founding grant of the University, that mandates the promotion of "public welfare by exercising an influence in behalf of humanity" teaching "the great principles of government as derived from the inalienable rights of man to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The university code of conduct clearly states the imperative of "treating each community member fairly and with respect", preventing any form of harassment. Thus the Center will not endorse activities involving any form of racism and/or bigotry.