Cartografiar ausencias. Escribir y escuchar las nuevas desapariciones

Event Sponsor
Center for Latin American Studies
Stanford Humanities Center

Gabriel Gatti is Professor of sociology at the University of the Basque Country. Coordinator of the research program “Un mundo de víctimas”. He has been Edward Larocque Tinker Visiting Professor at Stanford University and Chaire Pablo Neruda at the Sorbonne Nouvelle. As a single author, he has published the books Desaparecidos. Cartografías del abandono (2022), Surviving Forced Disappearance in Argentina and Uruguay (2014), Identidades desaparecidas (2011), El detenido-desaparecido (2010), and Identidades débiles (2007). His book El detenido-desaparecido earned him Uruguay's National Essay Award in Social Sciences.

This event is being cosponsored by the Stanford Humanities Center.