Keynote Speakers

M. Jacqui Alexander
Introduction by: Rosalva Aída Hernandez Castillo, Professor and Senior Researcher, Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS)
M. Jacqui Alexander’s political, pedagogic and scholarly engagements have centered on an expansive vision of social justice which is rooted in a commitment to freedom for all and to healing the wounds of racial capitalism, imperialism and colonialism. She is a devotee of the ancient African (diasporic) spiritual systems of Oriṣa/Ifá, a student of yoga and Vipassana meditation, and has received sacred teachings in Nigeria, the Kôngo, India, Haiti, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, and New York. She is Professor Emerita, Women and Gender Studies, University of Toronto and Founder/Director of the Tobago Centre for the Study and Practice of Indigenous Spirituality.

Marcelo Paixão
Introduction by: Elaine Rocha, Senior Lecturer in History, UWI Cave Hill, Co-Chair, ERIP
Marcelo Paixão is an Associate Professor at The University of Texas at Austin. He is a faculty at the African and African Diaspora Studies Department (AADS), in conjunction with the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS). Prof. Marcelo is a Brazilian economist and holds a Ph.D. in Sociology (IUPERJ, Brazil). Before coming to Austin, he has been a Professor of Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) for 16 years, the same place where he majored. Between 2012-2013, he was Visiting Professor at Princeton University, where he was a member of the Project on Ethnicity and Race in Latin America (PERLA). He is the author of several books and articles about race and labor relations in Brazil, among others: A Lenda da Modernidade Encantada (Ed. CRV) e 500 Años de Soledad: estudíos sobre las desigualdades raciales en Brasil (Ed. Universidad Nacional de Colombia). In 2018, he was tenured Vice-President of the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA). Currently, he is a member of AADS Executive Committee. His area of expertise is ethnic and racial relations and inequalities in Brazil and Latin America.

Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil
Introduction by: Emiliana Cruz, Professor, CIESAS
Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil forma parte del COLMIX, un colectivo de jóvenes mixes que realiza actividades de investigación y difusión de la lengua, historia y cultura mixe. Estudió Lengua y Literaturas Hispánicas y cursó la Maestría en Lingüística en la UNAM. Ha colaborado en diversos proyectos sobre divulgación de la diversidad lingüística, desarrollo de contenidos gramaticales para materiales educativos en lenguas indígenas y proyectos de documentación y atención a lenguas en riesgo de desaparición. Se ha involucrado en el desarrollo de material escrito en mixe y en la creacion de lectores mixehablantes y otras lenguas indígenas. Se ha involucrado en el activismo para la defensa de los derechos lingüísticos de los hablantes de lenguas indígenas, en el uso de las lenguas indígenas en el mundo virtual y en la traducción literaria.
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Panel: "Black Lives in the Americas"
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM (Pacific Time)

Elaine Rocha, Panel Chair
Elaine Pereira Rocha nasceu em São Paulo, Brasil. É doutora em História Social pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professora Associada do Departamento de História e Filosofia da University of the West Indies (UWI), campus Cave Hill, Barbados.
Suas pesquisas concentram-se na área de História das Mulheres, História dos Negros, Gênero e Raça na América Latina. Entre seus livros, estão: Canal de Desvio. Um Estudo da Experiência de Agricultores e Índios no Confronto com a Itaipu Binacional (2021); Milton Gonçalves: Memórias Históricas de um Ator Afro-Brasileiro (2019); Another Black Like Me: The Construction of Identities and Solidarity in the African Diaspora (org. com Nielson Bezerra 2015); Racism in Novels: a Comparative Study of Brazilian and South African Cultural History (2010).

Tonya Haynes
Dr. Tonya Haynes is a lecturer at the Institute for Gender and Development Studies: Nita Barrow Unit, University of the West Indies. She holds a PhD in Gender and Development Studies from the University of the West Indies and was the first graduate of the Nita Barrow Unit’s PhD programme in 2012, proudly representing a new generation of homegrown Caribbean feminist scholars. Her research on Caribbean feminist thought and gender-based violence is published in Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism, sx:archipelagos, Global Public Health and Social and Economic Studies.

Angela Yesenia Olaya Requene
Angela Yesenia Olaya Requene is an Afro-Colombian scholar born in Tumaco in the Colombian Pacific region. She holds a degree in Sociology from the University de Caldas and a Master’s degree in Pedagogy at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). She earned her Ph.D. in Anthropology at the same university in 2019. Currently, she is the Academic Coordinator in the Certificate on Afro-Latin American Studies, organized by The Afro-Latin American Research Institute at Harvard University. Her research fields include race and racism in Latin America, Black diaspora, and forced migration in Afro-Latin American communities. She has experience teaching courses on race, racism, and Afro-Latin American migrations at universities in Latin America.

Luciane de Oliveira Rocha
Luciane de Oliveira Rocha holds a PhD in Social Anthropology with a specialization in African Diaspora Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies from the University of Texas at Austin. She currently serves as an assistant professor at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. Her research interests are, among others, Black Motherhood and Black Genocide Resistance. Currently, she is working on her book manuscript entitled Outraged Mothering: Black Women and The Politics of Emotion against Antiblackness in Brazil.

Robério S. Souza
Robério S. Souza realizó estudios de pregrado en Historia en Universidad Estadual de Feria de Santana (UEFS) en 2004. Alcanzó el grado de maestría y doctor en Historia en la Universidad Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) en 2007 y 2013, respectivamente. Ejerce la docencia en la Universidad del Estado de Bahía desde el 2010. Es miembro del grupo de investigación Esclavitud e Invención de la libertad de la Universidad Federal de Bahía (UFBA). Ha publicado libros, artículos y reseñas en revistas académicas, también ha contribuido con capítulos en varias compilaciones.
Cultural Event: "Poéticas Centroamericanas"
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Ignacio Carvajal
Ignacio Carvajal: poeta, investigador, traductor – profesor de literatura y cultura en la Universidad de Kansas
You can purchase his chapbook allow – a litany – at laresistenciapress.com. All proceeds go to the International Mayan League: mayanleague.org.
Manuel Gabriel Tzoc Bucup
Poeta y artista visual maya k´iche´. Su trabajo consiste en tratar de metaforizar realidades sociales desde la interseccionalidad identitaria a través del lenguaje poético y de las artes visuales. Los tópicos constantes en su propuesta son: género, identidad, cuerpo, origen, memoria, lenguaje, imagen, objeto, disidencia sexual, y todas las posibles hibridaciones.
Rosa Chávez
Rosa Chávez: poeta, activista & educadora k’iche’ & Kaqchikel
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Panel: "Health and the Impact of COVID-19"
11:10 AM - 12:40 PM (Pacific Time)

Alberto Díaz-Cayeros, Panel Chair
Alberto Diaz-Cayeros joined the FSI faculty in 2013. He is also the Director of the Center for Latin American Studies. From 2008 to 2013 he was Associate Professor at the University of California, San Diego, and Director of the Center for US-Mexico Studies. He was an assistant professor of political science at Stanford from 2001-2008, before which he served as an assistant professor of political science at the University of California, Los Angeles. Diaz-Cayeros has also served as a researcher at Centro de Investigacion Para el Desarrollo, A.C. in Mexico from 1997-1999. He earned his Ph.D at Duke University in 1997. His work has focused on federalism, poverty and violence in Latin America, and Mexico in particular.

Luiza Garnelo
Researcher of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
Medical doctor and anthropologist.
Develop research in public health, primary health care, indigenous health and rural health in Brazilian Amazonia.
Maintain a long partnership with indigenous associations from upper Rio Negro, northwestern in Brazilian Amazon.

Seth Holmes
Seth M. Holmes, PhD, MD, is on faculty in the Division of Society and Environment and the Joint Program in Medical Anthropology. A cultural and medical anthropologist and physician, he has worked on social hierarchies, health inequities, and the ways in which such asymmetries are naturalized, normalized, and resisted in the context of transnational im/migration, agro-food systems, and health care. He has received national and international awards from the fields of anthropology, sociology, and geography, including the Margaret Mead Award. In addition to scholarly publications, he has written for popular media such as The Huffington Post and Salon.com and spoken on multiple NPR, PRI, Pacifica Radio and Radio Bilingüe radio programs.

Lina Rosa Berrio Palomo
Lina Rosa Berrio Palomo: es Dra. en antropología por la UAM-I y profesora investigadora del CIESAS, Pacífico Sur en la línea de antropología médica. Ha coordinado diversos proyectos sobre salud reproductiva, autora de varias publicaciones y acompañante de procesos organizativos de mujeres indígenas y parteras, por varios años. Sus temas de investigación son salud reproductiva, género, antropologías feministas, pueblos indígenas y afromexicanos. Actualmente trabaja en una investigación sobre salud reproductiva de mujeres afromexicanas e ikoots en la Costa Chica e Istmo de Oaxaca. Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel I.

Rosa Lidia Campoalegre Septien
Rosa Campoalegre Septien. Socióloga. Posdoctora en Ciencias sociales, niñez y juventud. Doctora en Ciencias Sociológicas, profesora e investigadora titular. Especialista de posgrado en políticas de cuidados con enfoque de género. Afrocubana. Afrofeminista. Centro de Investigaciones Psicológicas y Sociológicas [CIPS]. Coordinadora de: la Escuela Internacional de Posgrado “Más allá del Decenio Internacional de los pueblos afrodescendientes”, el GT CLACSO “Afrodescendencias y propuestas contrahegemónicas”, la cátedra “Nelson Mandela”. Profesora de la especialización de estudios afrolatinoamericanos y caribeños (CLACSO). Rectora de la Universidad de la Diáspora Africana (UDA). Ministra de igualdad de género del Estado de la Diáspora Africana. Por sus resultados científicos ha sido distinguida con el Premio Academia de Ciencias de Cuba y la Orden Carlos J Finlay, la máxima distinción científica del país.
Panel: "Mujeres Indígenas y Violencias"
12:40 PM - 2:10 PM (Pacific Time)

Mirna Carranza, Panel Chair
Dr. Mirna Carranza is a Family Therapist, community organizer, advocate, educator, and a Professor at the School of Social Work, McMaster University, ON, Canada. Her research program is both—theoretical and applied. It is grounded in theories of Coloniality of Power (CoP) (Quijano, 2007) and the Coloniality of Gender (CoG) (Lugones, 2009). Theories of CoP/CoG informs my approach to community engaged research and Indigenous research methodologies. Her inquiries focus on the ways that marginalization is “maintained” within the nation state along the intersections of borders and identities. This enables her to facilitate dialogues, in particular within the context of North/South relations, which guide the work of her research partnerships. Hence contributing to the dearth of knowledge in Canada and in Latin America, to the development of innovative social work education, and practice interventions. The majority of her research is focused on the processes, policies and geographical implications related to dislocation and raises important questions about the ways people and their families are forced into the diaspora. More specifically, the highlights of her research contributions relate to Experiences of Dislocations, Trauma, and Exploitation of Women, Youth and Children both –
in Canada and internationally, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Maylei Blackwell
Professor Maylei Blackwell is an interdisciplinary scholar activist, oral historian, and author of ¡Chicana Power! Contested Histories of Feminism in the Chicano Movement, published with University of Texas Press.
She is an Associate Professor in the César E. Chávez Department of Chicana/o Studies and Women’s Studies Department, and affiliated faculty in the American Indian Studies and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies. Her research has two distinct, but interrelated trajectories that broadly analyze how women’s social movements in the U.S. and Mexico are shaped by questions of difference factors such as race, indigeneity, class, sexuality or citizenship status and how these differences impact the possibilities and challenges of transnational organizing. Through collaborative and community-based research, Professor Blackwell has excavated genealogies of women of color feminism in the U.S. and accompanied indigenous women organizers in Mexico as well as feminist movements and sexual rights activists throughout Latin American. Her most recent research with farm worker women and indigenous migrants seeks to better understand new forms of grassroots transnationalism.

Aura Estela Cumes Simón
Aura Cumes, Maya kaqchiquel de Guatemala, pensadora, escritora, docente y activista. Vindica el pensamiento crítico y la palabra enérgica como vehículos para poner al desnudo los poderes que dan forma a la realidad de despojo que marca la vida de las mujeres y los pueblos indígenas. Asume como principio ético político en cuestionar toda forma de dominación, gran parte de sus esfuerzos los ha centrado en la lucha contra el sexismo y racismo, pensados como problemas producidos por dos grandes sistemas de dominación; el colonialismo y el patriarcado. Doctora en antropología por el Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) México, DF. Maestra en Ciencias Sociales por la FLACSO Guatemala. Licenciada en Trabajo Social por la Universidad Rafael Landivar. Co-compiladora del libro La encrucijada de las Identidades, feminismos y mayanismos en diálogo publicado en el año 2006, y coautora de la investigación Mayanización y vida cotidiana, el discurso multicultural en la sociedad Guatemalteca, 2007. Autora de múltiples artículos publicados en revistas nacionales e internacionales.

Shannon Speed
Dr. Shannon Speed is a tribal citizen of the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma. She is Director of the American Indian Studies Center (AISC) and Professor of Gender Studies and Anthropology at UCLA. Her ethnographic work has been primarily in Mexico and in immigration detention facilities in the United States, on topics including indigenous politics, human rights, neoliberalism, gender, indigenous migration, and activist research. Dr. Speed has published seven books and edited volumes, including her most recent award-winning book, Incarcerated Stories: Indigenous Women Migrants and Violence in the Settler Capitalist State, and a volume co-edited with Dr. Lynn Stephen entitled, Heightened States of Injustice: Activist Research on Indigenous Women and Violence. Dr. Speed recently served a three year term as President of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA).
Cultural Event: “El pájaro canta aunque no tenga respuesta" (Karaoke translingue)
2:10 PM - 3:10 PM (Pacific Time)

Inocencia Arellano Mijarez
Inocencia Arellano Mijarez es hablante del o’dam de Santiago Teneraca, Mezquital, Durango y del español como segunda lengua. Es licenciada en Educación Musical y maestra en Estudios Amerindios y Educación Bilingüe y actualmente cursa un doctorado en el CIESAS. Se dedica a la documentación, el fortalecimiento, la traducción y la difusión del o’dam, lengua a la que ha traducido, entre otros, Voces de las niñas y niños o’dam (Fundación Semilla, 2015) y Gu ja'tkam Meejik kam nam Física jix mat, tu a'ga am nat jax tuum duu (INALI, 2019). Su trabajo ha sido publicado en las revistas Literaturas populares y la Revista internacional de lingüística americana. Fue coordinadora del libro ¿Qué hacer para registrar y preservar una lengua? (UAQ/del Lirio, 2018)

Emiliana Cruz
Emiliana Cruz was born in Cieneguilla, San Juan Quiahije, Oaxaca, Mexico, and is a native speaker of San Juan Quiahije Eastern Chatino. She is a linguistic anthropologist, earning her PhD in Anthropology at the University of Texas at Austin in 2011, and now is Professor-Researcher at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) in Mexico City. Her research trajectories are diverse and interdisciplinary, emphasizing education, linguistic rights, territory, documentation and
linguistic revitalization.

Frida Cruz
Frida Cruz es artista multidisciplinaria. Estudió la licenciatura en Lingüística y ha realizado diversos estudios lingüísticos sobre la lengua chatina de San Juan Quiahije, incluyendo el estudio del paisaje lingüístico de ese lugar. También ha realizado ilustraciones para materiales pedagógicos para la variante de Quiahije y el chatino de Zenzontepec.

Claudia García Baltazar
Claudia García Baltazar es originaria de Cieneguilla, San Juan Quiahije, Oaxaca. Se dedica a la traducción y a la interpretación chatino/español. Ha participado en varios talleres de formación lingüística. Actualmente es parte de la Consultoría de lenguas chatinas. En el 2020 ganó el premio otorgado por el Centro de las Artes de San Agustín en la categoría de textos basados en la tradición oral con la historia “La tortuga y el jaguar”.

Sasil Sánchez
Sasil Sánchez es hablante del mayat’aan (maya yucateco/peninsular) y español, originaria de Xaya, Tekax, Yucatán. Actualmente coordina un proyecto sobre literacidad en niñas y niños en la región sur del estado y es editora de K’iintsil, contraportada editada en lengua maya del periódico peninsular La Jornada Maya. Ha traducido al maya t’aan algunos textos para libros e información sobre diversos temas.
Friday, September 10, 2021
Panel: "A 50 años de Barbados"
9:00 am - 10:30 am (Pacific Time)

Irma A. Velásquez Nimatuj, Panel Chair
Irma Alicia Velásquez Nimatuj is a Maya-K’iche’ social anthropologist and journalist. In 2002 she played a key role in the historical process of setting legal precedent through a court case that made racial discrimination illegal in Guatemala. She is the author of “La justicia nunca estuvo de nuestro lado”: Peritaje Cultural sobre conflicto y violencia sexual en el caso Sepur Zarco, Guatemala (2019), “Lunas y Calendarios”. Poesía Guatemalteca. (2018) Pueblos Indígenas, Estado y lucha por Tierra en Guatemala (2008) and La pequeña burguesía indígena comercial de Guatemala: Desigualdades de clase, raza y género (2003). She was a Tinker Visiting Professor at Stanford CLAS from 2019 to 2021.

Nashia Graneau
Education: Bachelor of Arts in History with Political Science from the University of the West Indies (2017-2020). Nashia Graneau is currently doing a Master of Arts in Latin American Studies with a specialisation in Indigenous Studies at the University of Florida (2020-Present).
Interests: Oral History, Indigenous Peoples’ History, Gender Studies, Politics.
Nashia is an Indigenous Kalinago woman who was born and raised in Sineku, Kalingo Territory, Commonwealth of Dominica. She has always had a keen interest in learning and writing about her people, the first people, the Kalinagos, with a specific interest in the history of Kalinago women. Her first piece of writing on Kalinago women was developed at the University of the West Indies as a research paper and discussed the changes in key aspects of Kalinago women’s life; including health, education, power, economic development, motherhood, marriage, and intimate relationships, as well as the strategies that Kalinago women adopted to overcome poverty and discrimination in the 20th century through to the 21st century. The research to complete this paper further fuelled and broadened her interest in other indigenous people in the Caribbean and Latin America. As a student focusing on Indigenous Studies, she strives to give more voice and recognition to Kalinagoes and other marginalized indigenous people by properly accounting for their histories through the utilization of oral history.

Natalio Hernández
Natalio Hernández nació en Naranjo Dulce, Ixhuatlán de Madero, Veracruz. Es Licenciado en Educación Primaria por la Escuela Normal Superior Federalizada del Estado de Puebla (2021).
Ha sido fundador de diversas asociaciones indígenas, entre ellas, de la Organización de Profesionistas Indígenas Nahuas, A. C. (OPINAC) (1973-1976), de Escritores en Lenguas Indígenas, A. C. (ELIAC) (1993-1996) y de la Fundación Cultural Macuilxochitl (2009-2019).
Fue subdirector de la Dirección General de Educación Indígena de la SEP; coordinador del Programa Nacional de Lenguas y Literatura Indígenas de la Dirección General de Culturas Populares del Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (CONACULTA) y director de Educación Informal de la Coordinación General de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (CGEIB) de la SEP.
Desde 2003, es profesor del Programa Docente México Nación Multicultural de la UNAM.

Patricia Torres Sandoval
Púrhépecha, originaria de Pichátaro, Mpio. De Tingambato, Michoacán. Licenciada en Derecho, profesión desde donde ha analizado la contraposición de los sistemas normativos internos de las comunidades indígenas con el sistema occidental. Perito en Balística Forense. Licenciada de Educación Primaria para el Medio Indígena.
Integrante de la Organización Nación P’urhépecha Zapatista (ONPZ), comenzó su participación a nivel nacional desde 1999, siendo integrante de la Coordinación general de la Coordinadora Nacional de Mujeres Indígenas (CONAMI) de 2016 a 2019, ahora integrante del Consejo de Mayoras de la misma organización.
En 2011 fue cofundadora y sigue siendo integrante activa de la Red Nacional de Abogadas Indígenas (RAI). En 2016, fue cofundadora y sigue siendo integrante activa de la Red de Abogadas y Promotoras Indígenas por una Vida Libre de Violencia en el estado de Michoacán (RAI Mich).
Desde 2019 ha sido colaboradora de la Subdirección Jurídica de la Comisión Estatal para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas del Estado de Michoacán y estudiante de la Maestría en Antropología Social del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social.

Stefano Varese
Professor Emeritus Stefano Varese is a cultural anthropologist with experience in the Amazon region, the Andes, Central America and Mexico. He has published numerous articles and books on the Indigenous Peoples/Native Americans’ struggle to resist colonialism, territorial invasion and environmental destruction caused by colonists, oil industry, ranchers, miners and lumber companies. Varese has always sought to combine anthropological research and teaching with activism in social and environmental justice. Varese is the former director of the Indigenous Research Center of the Americas-IRCA and is an active member of the UCD Center for the Study of Human Rights and the UCD Hemispheric Institute on the Americas.
Panel: "Afro and Indigenous Migrations in the Americas"
10:30 am - 12:00 pm (Pacific Time)

Asad L. Asad, Panel Chair
Asad L. Asad is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Stanford University and a faculty affiliate at the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. His scholarly interests encompass social stratification; race, ethnicity, and immigration; surveillance and social control; and health. Asad's current research agenda considers how institutions—particularly U.S. immigration law and policy—reproduce multiple forms of inequality. Asad's current research centers on three primary lines of inquiry. His first research project, a book under contract with Princeton University Press, is based on a five-year study of Latino immigrant families in Dallas, Texas. It looks at how Latino immigrants with young, U.S.-citizen children accumulate formal records as they go about their daily lives—and what these records mean to people worried about government surveillance and, ultimately, deportation. A second project includes a series of journal articles that consider the health consequences of deportation threat for immigrants, their families, and their communities. A third project studies how federal judges make decisions to denaturalize (or not) immigrants who have acquired U.S. citizenship. More information about Asad is at his website: asadasad.org.

Kátia Cuoto
- Graduação em História pela Universidade Federal de Goiás,
- Mestre em História pela Universidade Federal de Goiás
- Doutora em História pela Universidade de Brasília
- Professora de História da América Latina na Universidade Federal do Amazonas (Manaus-AM)
- Se dedica aos temas de Memória, Migração, Identidades, Afro-América, Caribe

René D. Flores
René D. Flores is the Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Policy from Princeton University in 2014. Flores’ research interests are in the fields of international migration, race and ethnicity, and social stratification. His research explores the emergence of social boundaries around immigrants and racial minorities across the world as well as how these boundaries contribute to the reproduction of ethnic-based social inequality. His work has appeared in American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Social Forces, and Social Problems, among others.

Antonia Lara
Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Chile y Magíster en psicoanálisis.
Docente e investigadora del Centro de investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Juventud (CISJU), de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. Coordinadora del Área de Migración, Interculturalidad y Refugio (AMIR), del Centro de Estudios y Atención a la Comunidad (CEAC), de la misma universidad.
Los temas de investigación: Migración sur-sur y procesos de contacto cultural; Migración, procesos de subjetivación y problemáticas identitarias; Migración y salud mental; Migración y género.

Odilia Romero
Odilia Romero is the co-founder/ executive director of Comunidades Indígenas en Liderazgo (CIELO); she is also an independent interpreter of Zapotec, Spanish, and English for indigenous communities in Los Angeles and throughout California. She has two decades of experience organizing indigenous migrant communities. Her organizing knowledge and experience are held in high regard, with multiple academic publications, awards, and lectures in universities across the United States, including John Hopkins, USC, and UCLA. Ms. Romero has published on the challenges of organizing in indigenous communities, developing women’s leadership, and preparing a new generation of youth. Her work has also been featured in the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, Vogue and Democracy Now. The Two Daytime Emmy Award winning series Pan y Circo by Diego Luna .
Cultural Events
12:10 PM - 12:40 PM (Pacific Time)

Renata Flores
Renata Flores Rivera is a Peruvian singer, made famous in Latin America by a viral Quechua cover of Michael Jackson's "The Way You Make Me Feel", released in 2015. Flores began studying Quechua at the age of 13, and, growing in fluency, continued to do so at university. She translated "The Way You Make Me Feel" with help from Ada, her 72-year-old grandmother. In 2014, she participated in "The Voice Kids Peru", a Peruvian talent show. She went on to release several original trap songs in her ancestral language of Quechua, the lyrics often addressing issues faced by indigenous communities in Peru.
In March 2021, Flores released her first album, Isqun, largely in Quechua. She also appeared (again speaking Quechua) in adverts for a perfume brand.

Jessica Cordiglia
Jessica Cordiglia graduated from Stanford with a M.A. degree in Latin American Studies ‘20. Additionally, she holds a M.A. degree in Spanish with emphasis in Latin American Literature from SFSU ’12. She has been teaching Spanish in public and private schools, and currently works independently with language departments advising on their language programs and teaching methodologies.
Jessica is an avid supporter of linguistic rights and a passionate about indigenous languages of the Americas, she has taken Nahuatl and Quechua lessons and is a part of Stanford CLAS sponsored working group Cafecito Quechua and Encuentro Nahuatl. She is currently working on applying what she has learned to develop a program for Spanish learners that includes the importance and relevance of indigenous languages.
12:40 PM - 1:10 PM (Pacific Time)

Maria Fernanda Ribeiro
Maria Fernanda Ribeiro is a Brazilian journalist focussing on indigenous Amazonian peoples since 2016. She is specialized in multimedia journalism and also works in the production and direction of films for web, television and cinema.

Leila Gwendolyn Rocha Fisher
Leila Gwendolyn Rocha Fisher is a Junior at St.Olaf College. She is currently pursuing her passions as a History and Environmental Studies Major because she believes they are keystones to achieving true social justice. Being raised in an Afro-Caribean/Latina household, she was always taught the power of community and the importance of advocationing for one's beliefs. She hopes to help uphold and share these lessons with those around her by participating in important events like CLAS and CIESAS.